Unisa-Students' Announcements (2024)

Unisa-Students' Announcements (1)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


We have great news! As a currently registered Unisa student living in South Africa, you will receive 30GB per month (10 anytime and 20GB night owl) for the period 19 October 2020 to 18 December 2020 on the cellphone number Unisa has on record for you.

This means that you will have sufficient data and connectivity to submit assignments, prepare for your exams and successfully complete your October/November 2020 exams.

Please ensure that your cellphone number is correct on myUnisa so that you can benefit from the data for your examinations. To update your details, login to myUnisa, click on myAdmin / Student Admin / Biographical Details / Update Contact Detail.

The university intends to use your existing network provider to allocate your data. Students must do so by no later than 08:00 on Saturday 17 October 2020 at which time the list of mobile numbers will be extracted to serve as a master reference for Mobile Network Operators to activate data.

Students will need to opt in and request the Unisa offer via your own Mobile Network Operator such as Cell C, MTN, Telkom and Vodacom. (Students who have mobile contracts via Mobile Virtual Network Operators such as FNB or Standard Bank will need to enquire with their service provider to find out who the Mobile Network Operator is, if they do not know. Some students may have ported to another Mobile Network Operator, keeping their original number and having forgotten about it.)

More details will follow in the next few days.


Unisa-Students' Announcements (2)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


Unisa has a zero tolerance for any form of dishonesty or cheating activity related to exams.

With the October/November 2020 examination period that has started, we wish to remind all students that Unisa has a zero tolerance for any form of examination and assignment dishonesty or cheating.

Any student who is found to have participated in any fraudulent or dishonest activity related to exams (eg possession of unauthorised notes or exam papers, external parties assisting with assessments) will be referred to the Student Disciplinary Unit for investigation and disciplinary action.

If found guilty, they will have their modules cancelled and their marks withdrawn. They will also face up to a maximum of five years suspension from the university and from all universities in South Africa.Click here for the Unisa rules for students and the Student Disciplinary Code.

The university appeals to students with any information on dishonest or fraudulent activity related to Unisa exams to report it to the Fraud/Corruption Hotline on telephone number 0800 005 311.


Unisa-Students' Announcements (3)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


Get help during the examinations by contacting the Student Communication Service Centre
Contact the Student Communication Service Center (SCSC) on 080 000 1870 or email Examenquiries@unisa.ac.za as soon as you encounter an error or discover a problem with your online exam/assessment submission.
• Your student number
• Your module course code
• Name of the college
• Name of the Lecturer (if known).
• A description of the problem. Include the internet browser you are using, and its version (if known).
• Information about your internet connection speed, if the issue involves pages loading slowly (if known).
• Include a print screen of the problem if there is time.
• The date and approximate time of your submission or occurrence of an issue.

If you do not manage to get assistance, please turn to ALTERNATIVE CONTACTS:

Student Communication Centre
Call Centre Landline: 080 000 1870

Department of Student Assessment Administration
Call Centre Landline: +27(0)11 471 2433

College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Ms N Molefe
Contact Center Supervisor
Email: CAESExams@unisa.ac.za
Landline: +27 (0)11471 3691

College of Accounting Sciences
Ms C Tuge
Contact Center Supervisor
Email: CASExams@unisa.ac.za
Landline: +27 (0)12426 4456/ +27 (0)12 429 2982

College of Economic & Management Sciences
Ms P Ngcobo
Contact Center Supervisor
Email: CEMSExams@unisa.ac.za
Landline: +27 (0)12429 8650/ +27 (0)12429 4462/ +27 (0)12429 3925

College of Education
Mr SM Shabangu
Coordinator Student Support
Email: CEDUExams@unisa.ac.za
Landline: +27 (0)12429 2645

College of Human Sciences
Ms. D. Mbengwane
Contact Center Supervisor
Email: CHSExams@unisa.ac.za
Landline: +27 (0)12 429 8285

College of Law
Ms L Boyi
Contact Center Supervisor
Email: CLAWExams@unisa.ac.za
Landline: +27 (0)12429 4105

College of Science Engineering & Technology
Ms M Komane
Contact Center Supervisor
Email: CSETExams@unisa.ac.za
Landline: +27 (0)11 670 9228


Unisa-Students' Announcements (4)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


Unisa students living in South Africa to receive 30GB (10 anytime and 20GB night owl) twice, once in October and once in November

We have great news! We have provided all Unisa students living in South Africa with 30GB per month (10 anytime and 20GB night owl) for the period 19 October 2020 to 18 December 2020 on the cellphone number Unisa has on record for you. This means you will receive 30GB (10 anytime and 20GB night owl) twice, once in October and once in November.

If you want to check your data, view it on your Mobile Network Operator's app.

This means that you will have sufficient data and connectivity to submit assignments, prepare for your exams and successfully complete your October/November 2020 exams.

If you have any enquiries, send an e-mail to enquire@unisa.ac.za

Unisa-Students' Announcements (5)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


Enlisting the help of a third party to complete examinations, assignments or coursework on your behalf is considered contract cheating.Examples of contract cheating include
• paying for services to complete an exam or assignment.
• allowing someone to access your myUnisa account or module site to assist with assignments.
• uploading and sharing course material to sites that have not been vetted by the university and which claim to offer study help or tutoring.

Contract cheating usually occurs due to a lack of time or understanding of assignment content or course expectations.The risks are, however, far greater than the benefits of this practice. Those who engage in contract cheating risk devaluing the quality of a degree, threaten the security of student identity and data, and jeopardise the reputation and brand of the institution.

Some of the consequences of contract cheating include receiving zero for an assignment or exam, suspension, expulsion or even the revocation of a degree or credential.

You can help prevent contract cheating by
• doing your own work.
• not accessing "study help" websites where student work is posted.
• notifying the university if you find any Unisa course material on sites that are not connected to Unisa.
• forwarding communication soliciting help with assignments in exchange for payment to Unisa.

The university appeals to students with any information on dishonest or fraudulent activity related to Unisa exams to report it to the Fraud/Corruption Hotline on telephone number 0800 005 311.


Unisa-Students' Announcements (6)

Happy New Year Unisa!🎇
Now that registration has begun, you may have questions about module combinations, pre/co-requisites and other things specific to your course/degree. You may also have or want study materials 📚.

Please avoid filling up @unisalounge & the module groups with messages about these things! Rather ask in the perfect place for them: Course Groups!

Just use @UnisaGroupsBot or unisa-groups.co.za & search for your


, then join the group to find others that are doing the same course & can answer you and/or want/have your study materials, etc. 🧏🏽‍♂️

(Also note: Admins here are students too & we don't work for Unisa or have inside info.)

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Unisa-Students' Announcements (7)

Notice to all Science & Computing Students!


Unisa-Students' Announcements (8)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


Due to Level 3 Covid-19 regulations, there will be a delay in the picking and distribution of study material.
All students (both registered and those temporarily registered) can access their study material for 2021.

If your registration for 2021 has already been finalised, you can access your study material via myUnisa

Downloading study material from myUnisa is easy to do. Just follow these steps:
• Go tohttps://my.unisa.ac.za and login with your student number and password. If you haven't yet activated your myUnisa account and claimed your myLife e-mail account, click on "Claim Unisa login" on the homepage of myUnisa and follow the instructions.
• Click on the myModules tab / link at the top of the screen.
• Then click on "Sites" (next to where your name is displayed on the top right of the screen).
• Now click on the star next to the module's name. The star will turn orange. Close the sites screen.
• You will see a message that states "Reload to see your updated favourite sites". Click on "Reload".
• Your selected modules will now appear in the top navigation.
• Now click on one of your module codes (eg ICT3621) and then on "Official study material" in the left-hand navigation panel. The PDF versions of the available study material for that module will display.

We suggest that you download your study material to a PC / laptop / tablet and not to a phone.

If your registration has not yet been finalised, you can still access your official study material.
Click hereto access your official Unisa study material.
Please note: Study material for modules that are only offered online will not be accessible to students who have not completed their registration

By accessing your study material, you will be able to start studying immediately, which will ensure that you have sufficient time to complete and submit your assignments.


Unisa-Students' Announcements (9)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


Registration and assessment changes for undergraduate, honours and postgraduate diploma students for the 2021 academic year
Due to the resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa and the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation's directive that the 2021 academic year will commence in March 2021, Unisa has made the following changes to ensure that all students are able to successfully complete the 2021 academic year:

1. Make a booking before visiting a Unisa campus
If you need to access any Unisa campus, you must make a booking in advance. NO student will be allowed access to any campus without a booking. Due to Covid-19 regulations, only limited services will be available. Please make your booking using this link: http://www.unisa.ac.za/access

2. Registration for the 2021 academic year to be fully online
All registrations for the 2021 academic year must be submitted online: www.unisa.ac.za/register
If you have any problems with your online registration, please read the error message carefully and correct your selection of modules before submitting your registration. This will enable the university to process your registration timeously.

3. One registration period for 2021
There will be only one registration period for the 2021 academic year. This means that you must register for all your modules for 2021 (semester 1 and 2 modules, pre-requisites, co-requisites and follow-on modules) before the closing date of 12 March 2021.
If you are writing supplementary examinations in January/February 2021, you may register concurrently for the same modules, including pre-requisites and follow-on modules (for both semesters 1 & 2) by 12 March 2021. If you pass your supplementary examinations, the affected modules will be automatically cancelled and the fees paid credited to your account. If you fail and you wish to cancel the module, you will be liable for the cancellation fees in order to cancel the follow-on modules.
There will be no semester 2 registration period. No exceptions or registration extensions will be permitted.

4. Revised assignment date
All assignment due dates for semester modules for the 2021 academic year will be revised with submission due dates scheduled between May and September.
Please take note of the following:
• Please disregard the assignments and due dates in your Tutorial Letters 101 (TL101).
• The updated TL001 with the revised assignments and due dates will be published from 10 February 2021 on the relevant module sites.
• Please do not submit assignments until the updated TL001 have been uploaded to the relevant modules sites.
• You need to download the TL001 with the revised assignments and due dates for each module on myUnisa under Official Study Material (eg FAC1501_2021_TL_001).

5. Examinations
There will be one examination period for the 2021 academic year. All undergraduate and postgraduate diploma examinations will be written in October and November 2021. Honours examinations will be written in January/February 2022. A revised timetable will be available on myUnisa.

The university is working tirelessly to respond to the Ministerial request and to comply with South Africa's lockdown regulations. We will continue to communicate any updates and changes as they become available.
Kind regards
Prof MS Mothata
Unisa Registrar

223.9K viewsedited

Unisa-Students' Announcements (10)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


Update on the appeal process for a 0% mark awarded during the October/November 2020 exams

On 28 December 2020, we requested students to make use of the appeal form if they wanted to appeal their 0% mark. Our preliminary assessment of the appeals received showed that most of the matters were unrelated to the 0%. As a result, the university decommissioned the appeals process and engaged in an independent review of all the 0% awarded. No student will, therefore, receive a formal outcome of their appeal.

Some students have since had their marks reinstated and some have received an additional assessment opportunity in January/February 2021.

Students who have received or will still receive a warning letter from the Unisa Disciplinary Office and would like to appeal the warning letter should send an e-mail toshivanr@unisa.ac.za A formal disciplinary proceeding is required to overturn a warning letter and will be initiated on receipt of any appeal.


Unisa-Students' Announcements (11)

❗️Warning to all UNISA students❗️
Trying to cheat will get you banned from ALL groups permanently and reported to UNISA for disciplinary action.
These groups are

to study


not to cheat

They are made to help you all to not have to study in isolation, but if you act irresponsibly by trying to cheat, UNISA will take action against YOU by voiding assessments/exams, expulsion, etc.

Do not

* Post timed assessment/exam questions / ask for answers;
* Post any assessment results (while submission on myUnisa is open) to influence others to ask for "help";
* Offer to do any academic work / supply answers / "guarantee" passes

Any students that find such activity in their group, are encouraged to report it by replying to the offending message with the following:

/admin cheating

Which will notify admins here to take action.
Don't fool yourselves into believing that leaving others to do it and simply staying out of it is enough, because UNISA will void the assessment/exam, which means EVERYONE gets a ZERO (0).

Don't hurt yourselves when we (admins) have worked so hard to set up these groups and continue to work hard to run them to help you.
It is in



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Unisa-Students' Announcements (12)

IRIS UNISA Instructions.pdf

1.8 MB

If you haven't already, then read this memo from UNISA on how to use the IRIS invigilation system.

Find more information by the UNISA exam site.

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Unisa-Students' Announcements (14)

CSET IRIS invigilated modules JanFeb 2022.pdf

57.8 KB

📝 Here is an exam list for January/February 2022 of CSET modules that are invigilated.

If we come across lists for other modules, we will share them too.

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Unisa-Students' Announcements (15)

Following the announcement from Unisa that they will be closing the assignment submission portal on myunisa, and that students must use the MyModules2022 site, please find the complete user guide for the new site on the link below:


Unisa-Students' Announcements (17)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:

Dear Student

Due to the upgrade of myModules on the myUnisa website, Unisa is closing the assignment submissions on the myAdmin platform. Students must now submit their assignments on their myModule s2022 module sites. Click on this link for guidelines to follow:



Kind regards,


Unisa-Students' Announcements (18)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:

Update on NSFAS Student Allowances
The three-year agreement between UNISA and Intellimali for the disbursem*nts of allowance has come to an end on the 31st March 2022. UNISA is in the process of preparing to pay allowances directly to students’ bank accounts. Students are therefore requested to ensure that they have active bank accounts. Students will be directed to a platform to capture their banking details. The university is working tirelessly to ensure that allowances are released during this month of April 2022.


Unisa-Students' Announcements (19)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


We have been confronted with challenges relating to the implementation of the new learning management system. Of most concern has been the inability of our students to submit their assignments on the due dates. Consequently, management has taken the difficult decision to extend the all assignment due dates that were due before 8 April 2022. This is to provide additional opportunity to those students who have experienced challenges in their submissions and were unable to successfully submit their assignments. Students can expect to view their new extended dates from 12 April 2022.

We are however aware that some module lecturers have made alternative arrangements in providing students opportunities to submit their missed assignments through assignment electives. In some cases, the solution may have already be distributed to students. Extensions of assignments falling under these categories will be closed off by lecturers and students must continue submitting through elective assignments.

The extension of assignment due dates will be done on a staggered basis with the first closing date of the extension starting 16 April 2022 and ending by 27 April 2022. The first semester examination timetable will be made available on theUnisa Examination Timetable Tooland will be available as from 15 April 2022. We anticipate the admission to the examinations will run from 29 April 2022, when students will receive their examination admission letters. The first semester examination period will commence on 16 May 2022.

Some courses are peculiar in their assessment structure. For this reason, the automated extension will exclude the Graduate School of Business Leadership, School of Engineering, CTA and Signature courses modules. Students are advised to visit their course sites to determine the due dates of their assignments.

We thank students for their patience as we continue to navigate through these challenges.


Unisa-Students' Announcements (20)

Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here:


Dear Unisa students,

Please see important notice regarding assignment extensions. You reminded to submit on the myModules 2022 sites and not on myAdmin.


Unisa-Students' Announcements (2024)
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