The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

to Sun Classified Want Ad Section INDIVIDUAL WANT ADS YESTERDAY Che Vancouver Sun Vancouver's Leading Newspaper Printed, and Weekday Published by SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 500 Beatty Street, Vancouver 3, B.C. Donald Cromie Publisher S. P. Cromie Assistant Publisher H. L.

Straight Managing Editor C. F. Bailey Business Manager J. M. Lecky Advertising Director C.

H. MacKay Associate Editor H. F. Gates Circulation Manager North Vancouver West 'Vancouver 2340 New Westminster 822 Night 'hones after 9 o'clock Night Editor TAtlow 7142 Composing Room TAtlow 7143 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Wherever carrier service is maintained, $1.25 per month. By mail: Canada, Great Britain, Yukon Territory, one year, six months, three months, single month, U.S.

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It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Sun Publishing of failure Company Limited, in the advertisem*nt event to publish of an appearing or in the event an error the advertisem*nt as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. All claims of errors in advertisem*nts must be received 'after publisher within 30 days first publication. VANCOUVER SUN DISTRIBUTORS Cranbrook Victor 114 Duncan David Stott, Box 1065 801 Kamloops Frank Brown, 650 Victoria St. 797 Kelowna Robert Giordano, 580 Harvey St. 2563 Kimberley L.

Aune Box 255 Nanaimo J. E. Whitlam, Sun Office Front 376 1700 Nelson Len Cutler, 511 Baker St. New West- J. B.

822 minster N.W. Ocean Falls Ted Lafontaine, Penticton Hector Gallicano 5416 Edmonton Ave. 2748 Pt. Alberni H. Gray, 708 Redford 346 Powell E.

Hamerton River Phone 2-3262 Pr. George R. E. Gunderson Box 73 61L2 Pr. Rupert M.

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Box 170 McLean, 1006. 52 Trail Regent Cres. Victoria W. McAllister, 710 Johnson St. Empire 9521 Vernon M.

Nixon, 2500-39th Box 4081 H. Hadfield Williams A. G. Smallenberg Lake Box 982 18R3 COMING EVENTS ORCHID NIGHT TONIGHT DANCELAND Every Friday night is Orchid Night at the Danceland Ballroom. Fresh orchids flown today from Hawaii, are presented to the first 100 ladies at the door.

Come early--Dance starts 9 p.m. Admission. 75c Modern dancing with Howie Isman's Orchestra-every Fri. Sat. at Danceland.

Robson at Hornby. Information on schedules CJ0B CBU 600 Ke. 690 Kc. :00 Easy Listening Settler's Choice 5 :15 :30 :45 (Easy Listening Hilites Int'l U.N. Today Commentary Weather List'ng: News News: :00 Easy Listening B.

Good Sports 6 :15 :30 :45 Easy Easy Easy Listening Listening Listening Ballad Barney Time Potts Ballad Time :00 Music from CBC News 7 :30 Jackson Canada Trio News Waltzes Waltzes Roundup :45 Jackson Trio 8 :30 :15 :00 News: At Hilites Hoine BOD Songs Show of McMullin :45 Mantovani My People :00 Orson Wells International 9 :45 :30 :15 Bing Orson Monty's Crosby Wells Music Concert Concert International :00 Keith Cutler CBC News :15 Hilites Political :30 (Racing Hilites Sports Page :45 Waters Independence :00 Beat Who? Hot Air 11 :30 :15 Vic (Vic Waters Waters Show Show Hot Hot Air Air :45 News News; Weather KING-TV, CHANNEL 5 6:55 4:15 Vanity Views 7:00 4:30 King's Kamera 7:30 Short 5:30 Market Magic 1:40 6:00 Youth Wants to Know 7:45 News 6:30 Sheriff Tex 8:00 COMING EVENTS 3 "But does this mean that the trade unions as at present constituted are appropriate bodies to undertake the democratic control of national Industries? It seems doubtful. In the first place, the character of modern trade unionism has brought to the top men who are not necessarily experts or even experienced in any degree in. the work their industry represents." So said Colin Cameron, prominent Socialist, writing about trade unions in a planned society then the October 10, 1951, issue of CCF News. Workers and trade unionists are far safer and enjoy far more freedom under free enterprise than they do in Socialist or Communist countries. It is a criminal offence to stay away from work in many Socialist countries.

That is why it will pay you to maintain the parliamentary system of government by voting for WALTER R. DENT in Kingsway. His last meeting will be August seventh in Renfrew Hall. Don't be Look at Canada from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Victoria, B.C., and from Confederation till now, and vote for a truly national party, the Progressive Conservative.

Committee Rooms, 1461 Kingsway. FA. ICE ROLLER SKATING Branch 177, Summer Ice Skating Club at the Forum every Sunday, p.m. ROLLER SKATING AS USUAL at Rollerland every Sunday, 10:30 p.m. Listen to Shaughnessy Broadcast every CKWX, 1:15 Aug.

1, 9:30 to BrockCALEDONIAN GAMES, ton Point Oval. Net proceeds to British Empire Games. Piping, dancing, athletics. Adults $1, chilS dren, 50c. Dine and Dance Every Saturday Night Kingsway Bar BQ Catering to weddings, banquets, private parties, etc.

3045 Kingsway DEX, 5222 The Orchid Supper Club Dine and Dance Ch. 3688 Catering to weddings, priv. parties, in our hall or anywhere. United Steel Workers Co-operative Society Hall, 33 E. Broadway.

Halls for rent. Phone FAir. 4128. Dauphin picnic at Stanley Park duck pond, Sunday, August 2. CATERING YOUR WEDDING CAKE Lovely designs.

I will decorate your own cake or will supply complete. FR. 7864. Baker's provide food, equipment staff for your party anywhere in city. Baker's Catering.

CE. 4221. CATHOLIC SUPPLIES Missals, Rosaries, Medals, etc. Kaufer's, 808 Richards PA. 4421 HALLS FOR RENT Spring Gardens Baker's Winter Gardens Phone Baker's Catering, CE.

4221. South Hill Reception Hall FRaser 6351 DE. 3936R. BIRTHS BARRETT To Ray and Hank Barrett, at Vancouver General Hospital, on July 29, 1953, a daughter, Judy Lynne, 6 lbs. BENSON -TO Mr.

and Mrs. Stephen Benson of 5005 Chambers St. (nee Selma Johnson) on July 28, 1953, at the Vancouver General Hospital, son, 7 lbs. 14 o2s. Mother son raand doing well.

St. Andrew's and Caledonian So- CRAIB- To Dr. and Mrs. J. annual games ball will be S.

Craib (nee Phyllis Moffatt) held in the Hotel Satur- on July 29, 1953, at Vancouver ciety, Georgia, General Hospital, son, 7 lbs. day, music August 1st. Dancing Wyllies 9-12 to Kevin Joseph -Patrick, a brother the of Gordon orchestra. Admission $1.00 for in- for Judy. formal dress; 50c for Highland dress.

EMBASSY BALLROOM HAMBLETT To Mr. and 1024 Ruth Crocker), at Grace HosDavie at Burrard Mrs. William Hamblett (nee Modern dancing every night (exMon). Whist Tuesday, Thurs- pital, on July 28, a 1953, dav cept Saturdav. cash daughter, Irene Elizabeth, 5 Large prizes.

40 Club" whist and dance lbs. 15 ozs. "Over on Aug. 1, at 8 p.m., at 2177 W. 42nd.

Unattached persons over and 40 and under 70 welcomed as pros- HUNTER--TO Gordon members. Margaret Hunter (nee Johnson) pective 605 Park Crescent, New WestDance to melodies of 6 Rhythm minster, July 9, 1953, at VanLarks every Tues. Sat. at Pender couver General Hospital, a boy. Auditorium, 339 W.

Pender. Coun- Mother and baby doing' well. Viennese waltzes, polka, tango, Store. night every Tuesdav. etc.

at Moose hall, 1129 Howe. Sat. night. John Gesi Orchestra. LONGMAN To Hilda and Old-time dance every Thursday Edward Longman on July 30, Saturday.

Howden Ballroom, 1313 1953, at Vancouver General Granville Street. Hospital, a girl, 8 lhs. 2 Arcadian Hall, 2214 Main Joan Marie. A sister for Donnie. O1d-time dancing Sat.

Index to Sun Want Ad Headings Classification Classification Classification No. No. No. Wanted 32 Fur-bearing Anim'8 64 Property Property, 87-A 87 for Sale Agencies Furnaces 45 Exch'ge Agreements Radios 49 for Sale 97-A Furnace Oil Radio Repairing 50 Apartment Burners 43-A Range Oil Burners. 44 Property 87-B Furnished Furnished Rooms.

Houses. 74 72 Refrigerators 56 Automatic Coal Rooms and 73 Stokers 46 Furnished Suites 71 Salesladies Agents 30 Automobiles Furniture Salesmen, Agents 26-A Auto for Sale Repairs, Serv. 104 98 Health Garages for Rent 76-A Sawdust 41 Auto 98-A Services Female 23 28 Sawdust 42 Auto Wreck, Access. 99 Help Wanted, Male Schools, 25 Help 26 Sewing 54 Bicycles, Motorcyis. 58 Help Wanted.

Situations Wanted, Birds and Goldfish 63 Male-F'emaie 27 Male 38 Births 3 Hotels 70 Situations Wanted, Boats Building and Material Engines. 39 69 Houses Housekeeping for Sale Rms. 78 85 Small Female Fruits 34 Business Locations 79 Houses Wtd. to Buy 84 Sports Directory 38 Business Opp'rt'nit's 94 Rev. Houses Wtd.

84-A Stamps 18 Business 85 In Memoriam 9 Stoves, 43 Business Personals 17 Information 14 Suites for Sale 77-A Cameras 59-A Insurance 95-A Summer Resorts Canaries, 62 Listings Cancelled. 63 "Vacation Spots" Cards of 8 Letters of Appr'ct'n 8-A Swap 36 Cemeteries 12 Listings Wanted 82 Teachers 31 Automobile Ins. 104-A Lodge Notices 2 Television 49-A Clothing, Furs, Livestock 66 Tenant's Exchange 81 Shoes 58 Lost 20 Timber and Mills. 92 Coming Events Machinery 68 Tires, Batter's, etc. 100 Country Homes, Marriages 5 Trailers 101-A Acreage 89 Mining Properties.

98 Trucks 101 Deaths Money to Loan 95 Typewriters 52 Educational 24 Money for Mortg'g's 96 Unfurnished Houses 76 Electrical 50-A Money Wanted 97 Unfurnish. Rooms 72-A Engagements Monumental Works 11 Unfurnished Suites 77 Farm 67 Moving and Storage 75 U- Drives 98-B Farms Wanted 91 Music, Art. Dancing 15 Vacuum Florists Misc. 18 Musical Instrum'ts 48 Automobiles 102 For Sale, 59 New Car Dealers. 105 Wanted, Houses Found 21 Office Store Equip.

51 to Build 86 Fuel 40 Personal 16 Waterfront 88 Fruit and Farm Pet Stock 61 Wanted, Misc. 60 Lands 90 Photo Finishing 59-B Wanted to Rent 80 Funeral 10 7 Poultry and Suppl's 65 Wanted, Trucks 103 Funeral Notices Professional Cards 22 Washing Machines 57 First by Far, in Circulation and Classified Want Ads, More Readers, More Results THE VANCOUVER SUN: FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1953 THE VANCOUVER SUN RADIO DIAL is supplied by individual stations. The Vancouver Sun dues not assume responsibility for Incorrect listings. Every effort is made to print corrections and changes as soon as puss*ble. UBS-KIRO, 710 ABC-KGO 810 NBC-KOMO 1000 CKWX CENW UKMU CHUB KNX 1070 KVOS 790 KNIC 680 980 Kc.

N.W., 1320 Kc. Van. 1410 Kc. 1570 Kr aul Harvey News Songs B-Bar-B :00 News: Cabin uvews news anu Ralph Storey Matinee. Road of Life Songs of B-Bar-B :15 Ranger's Cabin Guide Club 1570 Housewives anc.

Matinee Commuter's Superman 5 :30 News: Cabin Drive-In Guide Club 1570 Housewives Tue Matinee Special who Am :45 Ranger's Cabin British Empire Club 1570 Ed Murrow Matinee News :00 News; (Russ) News; Empire News Pac. N.W. Virgil Pinkley KOMO Commuter's News Spi. Bob White :15 All-time Hits British Empire Melody Pac. N.W.

News Lone Ranger Commuter's Bob White :30 News; Hits News Spurts Journey Frank Goss Lone Ranger E. Peterson Spl. Bob White :45 -time Hits Serenades Melody Journey Mr. Chameleon KVOS News Spotlight Review News; Sports :00 News; Crosby News; Serenade News Mr. Chameleon KVOS News News Parade Song Shup :15 Bing Crosby Camp Meeting teledy Journey News on Record Harmonaires Pick and Song Shop 7 :30 News; Bing Camp Meeting Golden West News on Record Dave Rose Pick and Play Denny Vaughn :45 Crosby LPP Talk Sons of Pioneers Play Judge Long Leisure Till Leo All-American News U0 (News; (White, News; Police Times Talk Leisure Till Leo Sports Show, Cecil Sully 8 :15 Denny Vaughn Open House Musical Menu Lowell Thomas Baseball Art's Sake Count of :30 News Open House Nanaimo Calling Family Skeleton Baseball Fr.

Page Drama Monte Cristo :45 Elmore Open House Nanaimo Calling Johnny Mercer Seattle Rainiers I Man's Family vacial :00 News and News: Sports News and Mr. Keen Seattle Rainiers Facts Forum Hits of Week :45 Owl Prowl Barn Dance English Records Mr. Keen Stars Eddie News; Fisher Beatty Hits of Week 9 :30 News; Owl Prowl Barn Dance English Records Johnny Mercer vs. Hollywood Detective :15 Owl Prowl Liberal Talk Ballroom Music in Air vs. Hollywood Name That Tune News :00 News (Garrett) News and News Music in Air Stars Name That Tune Dream Weaver :15 Owl Prowl Barn Dance Marine Weather Summer In Baseball Centennial Close of Day :30 jOwl Prowl Night Club Platter Express St.

Louis Baseball Snapshots Chapel Chimes :45 Night Club News world Final Edwin Hill Nite Reporter News; Sports :00 News and Night Club Sport Cycle Weather Edwin C. Hill Operation Bill Ward's :15 Owl Prowl Night Club Platter Express Weather Night Watchman Thomas Pelly Doghouse :30 Owl Prowl Night Club 'Platter Express KIRO Paging Night Watchman Thomas Pelly Doghouse :45 Prowi; Sports Night Club Platter Express TELEVISION FRIDAY Weather Man 8:30 Summer Theatre 11:15 Wonders of the Wild 8:05 Cartoon Time Cavalcade of Sports 9:30 Your Hidden Talent 11:30 Front Page Detective 8:10 News Briefs Subject 10:00 Merceedees 12:00 American Barn Dance 8:15 P.S. Film Parade Program Preview 10:15 Yesterday's Newsreel 12:30 Nightcap Final 8:45 Family Theatre Caravan 10:30 Dragnet KVOS-TV, CHANNEL 12 10:00 Wrestling from Chicago Hopalong Cassidy 11:00 World Today 1:45 Flash Gordon ABBOTT- On July 30, 1953, at the Royal Columbian Hospital, George Abbott, of 254 Foster White Rock, B.C., in his 72nd year. Survived by his wife, 3 sons, Harold, Quebec; George and Robert, both in Ontario; 1 daughter, Mrs. C.

W. Barnhart, Seattle, 20 grandchildren. Funeral service Saturday, August 1, at 1:30 p.m., in the Funeral Home of S. Bowell Sons, New Westminster, Rev. W.

Ward officiating under auspices of Joppa Lodge No. 112 A.F. de A.M. Interment Fraser Cemetery. ALEXANDER Charles Henry Alexander of 978 Alberta Lulu Island, passed away in Shaughnessy Hospital on July 30, 1953 in his 57th year.

Survived by his loving wife Daisy, 2 daughters, Rose Mary and Margaret Ruth at home; 5 sisters. Mrs. F. J. Gentleman, Mrs.

A. E. Barclay, Mrs. A. Coutts, all of Vancouver; Mrs.

T. V. Barclay and Mrs. E. Mathewson, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Also 10 nephews and 8 nieces. Funeral service Monday, Aug. 3 at 3 p.m. in the Georgia Chapel of Center Hanna, 1049 W. Georgia Rev.

George Turpin officiating. Interment Field of Honor, Mountain View Cemetery. BEDINGFIELD- -On July 30, 1953, at the Royal Columbian Hospital, Ellen Bedingfield of 717 Toco Road, Pleasantside, B.C., age 63 years. Survived by her husband, Henry; 1 son, Harry Port Moody, B.C.: 2 grandchildren; 1 brother, Matthew Curley, Ottawa, Ont. Funeral service Saturday, August 1 at 3:30 p.m.

in the funeral home of S. Bowell Sons, Rev. W. H. Hatfield officiating.

Cremation. No flowers by request. BLACKBURN- On July 30, 1953, Frederick Blackburn, aged 43 years. Deceased served in World War I with the R.C.A.S.C. Funeral service Saturday, Aug.

1, at 10 a.m. from the chapel of Hamilton Undertaking Kingsway and Main to Soldiers' Plot, Mountain View Cemetery, Rev. J. Ivan Moore officiating. CHADWICK- On July 29, at the residence, Runneymade Avenue, Catherine Mary Chadwick, age 74 years, a former resident of Vancouver for 20 years prior to coming to Victoria ten years ago.

She leaves her husband, James, at the residence; 2 daughters, Mrs. Alan C. (Peggy) Hodgson and Mrs. Albert E. (Betty) Senkler, both of Victoria: 4 grandchildren: a brother John Rankine In Scotland: A brother Tom, in England; also nieces and nephews.

The late' Mrs. Chadwick was a member of the Canadian Club, the Victoria Forum and the King's Daughters. Funeral services from McCall Bros. Funeral Chapel, Victoria, B.C., on Monday, August 3. at 3:00 p.m.

Venerable Archdeacon F. C. Cornish officiating. Interment in Royal Oak Burial Park. FALL At the residence, 2872 Inez Drive, Victoria, B.C., on July 28, 1953, Fred Fall, aged 67 years, a resident of Victoria for the past two years.

He is survived by his wife, Hazel at the residence; 3 sisters in England; also a brother, Harry of Brockville, Ont. The late Mr. Fall was past-president and a life member of the Manitoba Hotel a member of the Canadian Legion and St. George's Lodge AF and AM in Moose Jaw, Sask. He was also a prominent hotel manager for seventeen years with the Marlboro Hotel in Winnipeg and reat the Malaspina Hotel at Nanaimo, V.I.

Funeral services under Masonic auspices on Saturday afternoon August 1 at 1:30 o'clock from McCall Bros. Floral Funeral Chapel, Rev. W. E. Greenhalgh officiating.

Interment in Royal. Oak Burial Park. FARADAY Passed away July 30, 1953, Arthur Faraday, 34 E. 3rd in his 80th year. Survived by his loving wife, Margaret; 1 son, Willis (Bill), Vancouver: 4 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

Private funeral service Monday, August 3, at 10:30 a.m. from the Glenhaven Memorial Chapel, 1235 E. Hastings Rev. James E. Whittles officiating.

Interment Ocean View Burial Park. EVA- On July 30, 1953, Annie beloved wife of the late John Henry Eva, of 4029 Willingdon S. Burnaby, aged 77 years. Survived by 1 son, Henry of Vancouver: 1 daughter, Mrs. James grandsons; 1 brother, Daniel Sewell, of Horseshoe Bay.

Rev. G. H. Hamilton, D.D., will conduet the funeral service in the Mt. Pleasant Chapel, Kingsway at 11th on Saturday, August 1, at 10:15 a.m., to Mountain View Cemetery.

Victoria papers pease copy. 6 DEATHS 6 DEATHS 6 GOULET- Arthur Leander, pass- SCHWENNEKER Lincoln Freded away suddenly July 28th, 1953, erick passed away July 30, 1953, at his. residence, 7966 Argyle in his 64th year. Survived by his in his 89th year. Survived by a loving wife of 1064 Balfour brother and 2 nieces in Montreal.

also 3 sons, Lincoln, Neal and Alvin Funeral services in Corpus Christi all of Mouse Jaw, 1 daugther, Church, 49th Ave. Gladstone Mrs. Annetta Ameto of Hollywood, Saturday, August 1 at 9 a.m., Rt. California; 2 brothers and 3 Rev. P.

Carroll celebrant. Inter- sisters also 3 grandchildren. Funment Ocean View Burial Park. No eral service in Nunn and Thomflowers by request. Nunn Thom- son's Chapel, 10th Ave and Cambie son, Funeral Directors.

St. Saturday. August 1, at p.m., HENDERSON -Passed away July Rev. Remains Geoffrey are being Glover forwarded officiating. to 29, 1953, William Henderson, of 1842 Stephens formerly of Moose Jaw, for interment.

Cranbrook, B. in his 76th year. SIGURNJAK-In St. Paul's HosThe deceased was a member of the pital, July 28, 1953, Annie, beloved Cranbrook Lodge, No. 34, A.F.

wife of Nick Sigurnjak, 328 WinniA.M. Survived by his loving wife, peg Lulu Island. Survived Annie; 1 son, Jack, Tacoma, also by 2 sons, Robert, Campbell daughter, Mrs. M. M.

Smith, River, and Emil, at home. Requiem Haney, B.C.; predeceased by a son, mass, Saturday, August 1, 9:30 a.m., Bill, World War II, in 1945; sur- in St. Monica's Church, Woodhead vived also by 6 grandchildren, 3 and No. 5 Road, Rev. Father Cajesisters in Scotland, 1 brother, tan, O.S.A., celebrant.

Interment, Johannesburg, Africa. Funeral ser- Ocean View Burial Park, Kearney vice, Saturday, at 10 a.m., in Sim- Funeral Directors in charge. mons McBride Funeral Chapel, Broadway at Maple Rev. Victor SKELDING Passed away July J. Quinn officiating.

Interment, 30, 1953, George Wilbur Skelding, Masonic Cemetery, Burnaby. of 6005 Holland in his 62nd year. Survived by his loving wife, ILL On July 28, 1953, at her also 1 son, Haddon; 1 Vancouver; brother, residence, 2249 Maddaugh C. H. Skelding, both of Cloverdale, B.C., Eva Ill, age 44 3 grandchildren.

Funeral announceyears. Survived by her husband ment later by Simmons McBride, Joseph, 2 brothers, Adam and Broadway at Maple, funeral diAndrew Keck; 2 sisters, Mrs. Nick rectors. Boudin and Mrs. H.

Bellevu, both in Saskatchewan. Mass will be cele- SINCLAIR-Passed away suddenbrated Saturday, Aug. 1, at 10 a.m. ly July 21, 1953, Peter J. Sinclair, in the Church of Precious Blood.

of 626 Alexander aged 43 Cloverdale, B.C., Father P. O'Sulli- years. Survived by his loving wife, van, celebrant. Prayers at the 3 daughters and 2 sons; brochurch 7:30 p.m. Friday.

Interment thers, Norman, John and George; Surrey Centre Cemetery. S. Bowell 2 sisters, Elizabeth and Mrs. R. Sons, directors.

Barber. Funeral services Saturday, August 1, at 9 a.m., from ArmJENKINSON-On July 29, 1953, strong Co. Chapel of Flowers, 304 at the Royal Columbia Hospital, Dunlevy Rev. F. A.

Ramsey James Hartley Jenkinson, of 1499 officiating. Interment Soldiers' Plot, New McLellan Road, Surrey, B.C., Mountain View Cemetery. aged 45 years, Survived by his SMALL--Suddenly on July mother, Mrs. A. J.

Jenkinson, Sur- 28, 1953, Cecil Stanton Small, rey, B.C. Funeral service Saturday, of 2547 McGill in his August 1, at 1:30 p.m., in Cole- 64th year. Survived by his loving brook United, Rev. Keyworth and wife; 1 son, Stanton of RichRev. F.

W. Hardy officiating. In- land, 2 daughters, Barbara terment Surrey Center Cemetery. S. Anne, at home: 2 brothers, Ernest Bowell Sons Directors.

in Vancouver, Frank in Redwood City, California 1 sister, Mrs. Dor- JONES--In Bermuda, on Wednes- othy Westoby, of Manchester, Eng. day, July 29th, Harley L. Jones, Deceased served served in World in World War I War with May 21 of this Survived by the Air Force. Services Aug.

predeceased by his wife, Ella, on also 11 children, Bill, year. Albert, Bob, Cecil, 1, at 10:30 a.m., from the Bell FuMrs. Thelma Guillermin, Mrs. Helen neral Home, 2746 E. Hastings Oatway, Mrs.

Hattie Pierce and Rev. J. E. Whittles officiating. Mountain InMrs.

'Gladys Exell of Bermuda; terment, Soldiers' Plot, Winslow, Ormond and Mrs. Bessie View Cemetery. Lamb of Vancouver, also 14 grand- SKITCH- Passed away July 30, children. Mr. and Mrs.

Jones were 1953, Albert Edward Skitch of 2180 former residents of both Vancou- W. 38th in his 80th year. The ver and Winnipeg. Winnipeg papers deceased was a charter member of please copy. AOTS (Ryerson Church).

Survived McDONALD- Passed away July by his loving wife, Maude; also 3 31, 1953, Annie Dora, beloved wife daughters, Dorothy at home; Mrs. of Robert McDonald, of 2162 W. James Grant of Vancouver; Mrs. 40th in her 75th year, Sur- Eric Guest, Nanaimo, B.C.; 2 brothvived also by 2 daughters, Miss ers, Herbert Skitch, Toronto, Ont. Edna Grace, at home, and Mrs.

and Percy H. Skitch, Lindsay, D. Beach, Vancouver; a grandson, 1 sister, Mrs. Leta Henley, PeterDavid Robert Beach: 3 brothers, borough, 4 grandchildren. Fred, Dave and George Kilby, all Funeral service Monday at 1 p.m.

of Vancouver; 2 sisters, Mrs. John in Simmons McBride Funeral Fallis, Vernon, B.C.; Mrs. L. G. Chapel, Broadway at Maple Rev.

Gauld, Los Angeles, Funeral service George Turpin officiating. InterMonday at 3 p.m. In Simmons ment, Ocean View Burial Park. at Maple St. Rev.

A. M. Trendell, passed away at her home, 1415 McBride Funeral Chapel, Broadway SPETIFORE-Rose, aged 67 years, DD, officiating. Interment Family Point Roberts Road, Ladner, B.C., Plot, Forest Lawn Memorial Park. July 28, 1953.

Surviving Samuel; are her Passed away July loving husband, 4 sons. 28, 1953, Ermenegildo Mattiussi, 4886 Salvanni, Oliver, Robert and Earles Road in his 61st year, sur- George; 5 daughters, Kathleen, Elizvived by his loving wife, 2 sons, abeth, Mary, Josephine and JenNilo and Bruno, in Vancouver; 1 nie; 1 nephew, Joseph Pasquini; also daughter, Mrs. A. Daniel, in Na- 16 grandchildren. Requiem mass in naimo B.C.; 1 brother, Mario, in the Monastery Chapel, 1000 BoundOntario.

Mr. Mattiussi was a mem- ary Road, Ladner, Saturday, Auber of Lodge Figli D'Italia at Natal, gust 1, at 10. a.m., Rev. Father B.C. Prayers Thursday, July at Martin, celebrant.

Interment, 8 p.m. in Sacred Church. Boundary Bay Cemetery, Delta FuFuneral service Saturday, August neral Home in charge. 1st, at 8:30 a.m. from the Glenhaven SWAN- Passed away July 28, Memorial Chapel, 1235 E.

Hastings 1953, Jack Swan of 1291 Davie St. to Sacred Heart Church, Camp- Street, in his 56th year. The debell Ave, and Keefer where ceased was a member of New Requiem High Mass will be celebra- Veterans' Branch No. 168, Canadian ted at 9 a.m. Rev.

Father John Dal Legion. Survived by 3 brothers, Maso Celebrant. Interment Calvary William, Punnichy, James Section. Ocean View Burial Park. and Sydney of Burnaby, B.C.; sisters, Mrs.

A. Digney, South Burnaby; Mrs. Walter Campbell, VieMILLER -William Albert, passed toria, B.C., and Mrs. John Pillar, away July 26, 1953, in his 52nd Prince George, B.C. Funeral seryear.

Late of 1428. Robson. Funeral vice Monday at 10 a.m., in Simservice Saturday at 10 a.m. in the mons McBride Funeral Chapel, Chapel of Pallard 1096 W. Broadway at Maple Street, Rev.

Broadway, Rev. F. A. Ramsey offi- Canon F. dePencier officiating.

Inciating. Interment, Soldiers' Section, terment, Soldiers' Plot, Mountain Mt. View Cemetery, View Cemetery, PHONE IN TONIGHT BEFORE 9 TO PLACE YOUR WANT ADS IN ALL EDITIONS OF THE WEEKEND SUNDAY SUN TA. 7141 More Readers F-A-S-T-E-R Look Where More People Advertise-Advertise Where More People Look-Sun Want Ads TAt. 7141 CLOSING TIME FOR WANT ADS Monday through Friday 9 p.m.

Saturday. 5:30 p.m. TAtlow 7141 West Vancouver 2340 North Vancouver 334 New Westminster 822 10 FUNERAL DIRECTORS HARRON BROS. LID. "Chapel of Chimes" 55 East 10th Ave.

FAir. 0134 Chas. E. Atchison, Mgr. ROYAL OAK CHAPEL Burnaby, B.C.

DEx. 3361 Kingsway at Royal Oak Avenue H. C. Atchison, Mgr. NORTH VANCOUVER CHAPEL 122 West 6th Street North 134 W.

J. Cathcart, Mgr, SIMMONS MeBRIDE LIMITED Directors of Funeral Service Broadway at Maple Street, BA, 4151 E. A. Simmons F. E.

McBride A. W. Francis J. M. Nett C.

Small "A Dignified Service" CANADA'S FINEST MORTUARY G. W. Hamilton Undertaking Co. Ltd. Main-Kingsway at 7th Ave.

Phone FAir. 0268. HOLLYBURN FUNERAL HOME A. D. Walsh 1807 Marine West West 134 Central Park Funeral Home 3642 Kingsway DEx.

1207 BELL FUNERAL HOME 2746 East Hastings HAst. 0015 GLENHAVEN MEMORIAL CHAPEL 1235 East Hastings HAst. 6940 Armstrong Funeral Directors 304 Dunlevy HAst. 0141 Roselawn Chapel, 1669 E. Broadway FAir.

3010. 12 CEMETERIES Mountain View Cemetery, Purchase perpetual care for your burial plot. Apply city clerk, City Hall. 14 INFORMATION WANTED REWARD FOR INFORMALION LEADING TO THE PRESENT WHEREABOUTS OF Arthur E. Coutts, formerly of 1946 Main Vancouver.

Russell P. McKellar, formerly of 701 E. Broadway, Vancouver. Wilfred J. Roberge, formerly of 2427 Haywood West Vancouver.

Phone: CAMPBELL MOTORS FA. 6604. Patricia Alice Robinson, formerly of 522 Richards or anyone knowing of her whereabouts, please contact Box 1496, Sun, immediately. Have urgent message for you. Will Jeanne Dann, formerly of Quesnel, or anyone knowing her whereabouts, please ph.

CE. 8111. Would Mr. Harold Whybourne or anyone knowing his whereabouts please contact Box 1494, Sun. Jean and Joe Rokosh, phone Barney or Marcella.

CHer. 1814. Would May Clark that spoke to Daisy Taylor on bus, ph. FA. 6980Y.

15 MUSIC, ART, DANCING POPULAR MUSIC 4 lessons; private. PA. 7403. 15B SPECIAL NOTICES Our studios will be closed from Aug. 3 till Aug.

17 for staff holidays. PARAMOUNT MUSIC STUDIOS LTD "The Accordion Centre of the West" Allan Price, baritone, summer symphony guest artist, now taking summer engagements, concerts, weddings, funerals. BA. as 3833. Experienced 3-pc.

orchestra, open for weddings, dances. HA. 6111Y. 3-5-pce. dance orch.

for weddings, private parties, etc CH. 3688. Pat's Orchestra, modern old-time dancing. HA. 4985L; HA.

2529R. Accordion lessons in your home. Phone Karl Karleen, DEx. 3737. DANCING LESSONS VINCENT-VISINI Dance Studios Ballroom, tap, ballet, baton 518 W.

Hastings PAc. 8836 can teach you to dance in 3 or Manufacturer's agent sale of shortie coat samples, $9. Sat. only, 9-12 a.m. Bring own wrappings.

411 West Cordova. 16 PERSONAL Trustworthy homemaker, widow, Swedish, about sixty. Like housekeeping companion to a gentleman without dependents. Good home and kind, good-natured boss more essential than wages. Prefer one with car.

Full particulars in first letter. Matrimony if suited. Box 1117, Sun. Single man, 30, means and earning good income, wishes to meet young lady residing in or out of town. Any nationality, but having home and country interests.

Mat. if suited. Enquiries welcome. Box 41, Sun. Young man, 31, with daughter, would like to meet sincere young woman.

There is no obj. to children. Mat. if suited. Box 1087, Sun.

Sincere gentleman, 26, own car, home wishes to meet lady, 19 to 30. No objection 1 child. Snap, phone, address first letter. Matrimony if suited. Box 2115, Sun.

Attractive lady, 38, wishes to meet refined gentleman, nice looking, not over 45 with means. Conf. Mat. if suited. Others need not reply.

Box 1091, Sun. Bus. man, 42 wishes to meet a lady to make a good home, good sport, lots of travelling. Obj. mat.

Apply Box 1061, Sun, giving phone No. Temperate, quiet man in thirties, with car, would like to meet congenial woman for dates. Mat. if suited. Box 3, Sun.

Would Betty Corbett, formerly of Somerset, Winnpeg, please get in touch with Pearl Hassett, 247 Elm Winnipeg. Farmer wishes acquaintance of lady between 30-40: companionship outings. Mat. if suited. Box 43, Sun.

Non- organization urgently needs clothing, furniture useful discards. HA. 8552; eves. HA. 2563R.

Sad and lonely too for last 5 years. Love you very dearly. Have good trip return soon. Want you. Many thanks to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour for prayers answered.

Darling. Sorry my letter date July 29th all garbled. All my love and respect for you, say sorry, K. CKNW Fiesta clue--It is not a Jeep. CKNW- Fiesta clue- -It is not a taxi.

N. How can I see that it is your own voice? R. CKNW Fiesta clue- It is not a gyro compass. J. C.

will be Powell Main, 8 p.m. Sunday. P. Lonely soldier would like to meet girl 18-25. Mat.

if suited. Box 49, Sun. 17 BUSINESS PERSONALS Bell- Furs. Repairs $5 up. Remodels $40 up.

Storage. Also new furs. 1025 Robson. TA. 1611.

Madame Fontaine. of Edmonton gives professional readings at 433 East 25th Avenue. Eczema, itch, piles, pimples. Use Teenjore ointment. 1115 Kingsway, 500 Main or all drug dept.

stores. For your Fersonal Hygiene needs. London Drug, 800 Main. PAc. 3847.

Open until 12 midnight every night. Mattresses chesterfields, renovated. Drapes Slip Covers made to order. CH. 3118; eves.

CE. 1957. Ladies' and men's custom tailoring made on1 premises. Michelle's, 446 Homer (at Pender). TA.

5523 Birth Control. Free, authentic information list of supplies. Modern. Dept. F.

PO. Box 188. Vancouver. Learn dressmaking designing at The Academy of Useful Arts 3191 W. Broadway CH.

9114 Madame Kopp, gifted futurist, 65 W. 8th. FA. 7358R. draperies, cornices; reas.

AL. 2483: CH. 0196. Professional Crystal Reading Trina. MAr.

9466. Fur coats. Have your fur repaired now. Mr. Krell.

CH. 5571. Birth Control Clinic (Est. 1932) Mrs. Duncan.

3250 Fraser, FA. 9248. Wedding invitations printed, 1 day. Church. 1052 W.

Pender. MA. 0641. Lonely? Get acquainted -lists $1. PO.

Box 488G. Vancouver Why be lonely? Free particulars, PO. Box 190, Vancouver. B.C. coins, swords, jewelry, old goid, antiques.

Freeman, 507 Richards. "Omar" Famous Seer 777 Burrard. Suite 58 PA. 1105 Madame Florence, crystal reader. Ladies only.

HA. 5313L. 17 BUSINESS PERSONALS EVANS JEWELERS Terrific Values In Unclaimed Watches FROM REPAIR DEPARTMENT NOTE: All watches have been thoroughly reconditioned, and are FULLY GUARANTEED by us for one year." Buy one on EVANS EASY CREDIT TERMS FOR THE MEN 1, 17j. Rolex, water-proof, shockproof, expansion bracelet. 2.

17j. Pallas, water proof, shockCost $65. $29.50 proof, anti-magnetic, sweep hand. Cost $39.50. $15.00 3.

17j. Waldon dress watch, expansion bracelet. Cost $49.50. $19.75 4. 16j.

Omega, expansion 5. 15j. Goldfield, Swiss movement, bracelet. Cost $79.50. 0 $35.00 gold-filled case, expansion bracelet.

Cost $35. $12.95 6. 15j. Marvin Calendar watch, expansion bracelet. Cost $59.

$27.50 7. 15j. Hilton dress watch. Cost $45. $12.50 FOR THE LADIES 8.

15j. Merit, yellow case, expansion bracelet. Cost $39.50. $11.95 9. 17j.

Elco, nurse's watch, expansion bracelet. Cost $45. $19.50 10. 17j. Westfield, snake type bracelet.

Cost $39.75. $15.00 11. 17j. Bulova, complete with expansion bracelet. Cost $49.50.

$22.50 12. 17j. Bruner Masterbilt, double Cost $39.50. $18.50 snake type POCKET WATCHES 13. 21j.

Elgin, just like new. Cost $105. $52.50 14. 15j. Birks, yellow case.

Cost $65. $19.50 15. 17j. Swiss movement, Cost $49. $18.50 16.

15j. Waltham. Cost $65. $15.00 17. Boys' and Girls' watches $5.95 and up Prompt and courteous attention to mail orders.

1-Hr. Free Parking for Customers EVANS JEWELERS 55 W. Hastings St. TA, 1922 BIRTHS ODELL To Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Odell (nee Grieve), of 5206 Bursill at Burnaby. General Hospital, on Monday, July 27, 1953, a daughter, 7 lbs. 1 07. SULLIVAN- To Frank and Olga Sullivan nee Kozicki), of 3172 Grandview Highway, on July 29, 1953, a daughter, 7 lbs. 13 at St.

Paul's Hospital. WEBB- To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Webb (nee Dorothy Lackey), St. Paul's Hospital, on July 30, 1953, a daughter, Joan Lorena, 8 lbs.

3 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bater of R.R. No.

2 Stokes White Rock. announce the engagement of their only daughter, June Alice, to Mr. William H. Tyas, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Tyas, of R.R. No. 2.

Everson, Wash. The wedding will take place on August 14, 1953, at 7:30 p.m., P.S.T., in Advent Christian Church, Sumas, Wash. Rev. F. Earl Crouse offi-.

clating. Mr. and Mrs. David V. Long announce the engagement of.

their youngest daughter, Patricia Joan, to Mr. Henry Stewart Wilson, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson, New Westminster. The wedding wiil take place August 19th, 1953, at 7:30 p.m., in 6th Avenue United Church, New Westminster, Rev.

B. F. Ennals officlating. Mr. and Mrs.

Alexander Mackay, 562 W. 19th Vancouver, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Louise, to Mr. William David Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stuart of Choate, B.C.

The wedding will take place on August 21, 1953, at 8 p.m., in Chown Memorial Church, Rev. G. S. Packham officiating. 6 DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS 6 DEATHS THORPE- Passed away July 29, 1953, Harry John Thorpe, of 2808 W.

35th Ave. Survived by his loving wife, Edith; his mother, Mrs. John Thorpe, Wilkie, 1 sister, Mrs. Jack Meanwell, Edmonton, 2 brothers, W. J.

Thorpe, White Rock, B.C., and Percy Thorpe, Wilkie, Sask. Funeral service Saturday at 3 p.m. in Simmons MeBride Funeral Chapel, Broadway at Maple Rev. S. G.

Woolfrey officlating. Cremation. Calgary, Alberta papers please copy. WADDELL Passed away in hospital July 30, 1953, 8 Mrs. Annie Maria Waddell of 2970 Oak in her 88th year.

Survived by 3 sons, Charles, Gordon and William; a daughter, Mrs. W. Oliver: 6 grandchildren, all of Vancouver. Funeral service in Nunn Thomson's Chapel, 10th Ave. and Cambie Saturday August 1, at 10:45 a.m.

under the auspices of Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C. Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating.

Cremation WALL Karen Marie, passed away July 30, 1953, in her 66th year. Late of 378 E. 59th Ave. She is survived by her loving husband, Rode 3 daughters, Mrs. F.

W. Eide, of Millwaukie, Oregon; Mrs. Wilfred H. Lonneberg, of Pitt Meadows, B.C.; Mrs. Herb.

W. Rempel, of Vancouver: 3 sons, Robert. N. of Victoria, B.C.: Walter of Ruskin, B.C.; Kenneth of Vancouver; 1 sister, Agnes, of Chicago, and 1 sister and 3 brothers in Norway; also 21 grandchildren. Rev.

A. B. H. Hagen and Rev. A.

0. Aasen will conduct the funeral service in the Mount Pleasant Chapel, Kingsway at 11th on Monday, August 3, at 3:30 p.m., to the Mountain View Cemetery. 8 CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for the many kindnesses and acts of sympathy, also beautiful floral offerings from the many friends and relatives and from the members of North Vancouver Lodge No. 55, the Truth Rebekah Lodge No. 28.

L.O.L. Lodge No. 1840, L.O.B.A. Lodge No. 1014, also the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends Council 389 extended to us on the loss of our dear father.

-The Crawford Family. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their kindness, words of sympathy and floral offerings during our recent loss of a beloved husband and father, Malcolm McMinn. Special thanks to the Legion, Dr. Belfour, Dr. McIntosh and Shaughnessy Hospital Staff.

-Mrs. M. McMinn Ramsey and Shaughnessy Staff. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and relatives for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral during' our recent bereavement. Special thanks to the Rev.

F. A. Mrs. W. Davies and Family, 9 IN MEMORIAM To assist readers to prepare "In Memoriam" Notices, The Sun has prepared a booklet of some very appropriate verses, Call TA.

7141 CLOUSTON-In loving memory of our dear sister, Mrs. Eva M. (Bunny) Clouston, who passed away on July 31, 1952, in Saskatoon, Sask. Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days: Sincere and true, in heart and mind: Beautiful memories she left behind. -Ever remembered by her brother G.

Ottis Preston, Saskatoon, her sisters, Mrs. Inez McGowan, Moose Jaw, and Mrs. Hazel Harding, Winnipeg, Man. COBBAN In loving memory of Hilda A. Cobban, who passed away July 31, 1950.

We have only a memory, dear mother, We cherish our whole life through; But the sweetness will live foreever, As we treasure the memory of you. -Ever remembered by her daughter, Jean: Ernie and family. DYER--In loving memory of Dad, Alphonse Dyer, who passed away July 31, 1941. Love and remembrance last forever. -Always remembered by Vi, Henry, and Henry, jr.

FRAZER-CRIERIE In loving memory of our dear mother Estelle Frazer-Crierie, who passed peace'At home beautiful hills fully away July, 30, 1950.0 of God. In the valley of rest so fair Sometime, somewhere when our work is done With joy we shall meet her there." -Lovingly remembered always by her family. GALE- In loving memory of mother, July Alice 31, 1948. Maria, who passed away Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days; Sincere and true in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind. -Always remembered by Doris, Ed and family.

LAVORATO- In loving memory of mother Carmenia Lavorato, who passed away July 31, 1950. The loneliness without you, The ache deep in our hearts; We've nothing left but memories, With them we'll never part. -Ever remembered by her daughters, Teresa, Bobby, Clara, Tootsie; grandson, Ronnie, and Sonsin-law and Grandchildren. SCOTT--In loving memory of Dad, Gordon Scott, who passed away July 31, 1945. (Nanaimo).

Love's greatest -Sadly missed by Joy and Austin. 10 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THE MOUNT PLEASANT CHAPEL Vancouver's most beautiful and most modern funeral home Kingsway at 11th EM. 2161-2162 THE T. EDWARDS CO. Memorial Chapel Granville at 10th Ave.

Phone CHerry 3181. GRANDVIEW FUNERAL CHAPEL Chas. E. Atchison, Owner Commercial Dr. and Kitchener St.

H. O. (Harry) Brown. HA. 0083 HAROLD EDWARDS LTD.

705 W. Broadway at Heather, F. 0528 SIMPSONS-SEARS BARGAIN CENTRE SPECIALS Package of 1000 65c FACIAL LATEX PILLOWS Reg. $6.29 Clearance Price $4.98 RADIOS OFF Portable Table Models Simpsons-Sears Ltd 367 Water St. TAtlow 3112 HIGHEST PRICES PAID For men's used clothing, suits, overcoats, raincoats, baggage, cameras, photographic equipment, radios, musical instruments, sleeping bags, watches, diamonds, old gold, jewelry, typewriters, tools, binoculars, electric razors, fishing tackle, golf clubs, rifles, shotguns caulk boots.

Please bring to store or our man will call. If out of Vancouver, kindly write. San Francisco Tailors Ltd PAWNBROKERS JEWELERS West Hastings Street Est. 1908. PA: 4955 Half Block East of Woodward's "FAY" VANCOUVER'S CLEVER STYLE MANICURIST Is now located at the HOUSE OF BEAUTY 619 Seymour.

TA. 4588 LADIES. Don't let unsightly hair spoil your bathing suit appearance this summer. removes THALIA hair HAIR safely ELIMINATOR. of the body, leaving skin texture fresh clear.

Easy treatments at home or in our Thalia Studio. For free consultation sample, call or write, Suite 3, 709 Dunsmuir. TA. 8815. White Elephant Sale AT VERONA NEAL'S GIFT JEWELRY SHOP Includes all China Jewelry shown in our front window.

440 Seymour St. MA. 0917 You need not discard valued possessions because they are worn or damaged. Birks repair make over jewellery silverware in their own Vancouver craftshops. Baby shoes metalized.

BIRKS JEWELLERS SILVERSMITHS Granville at Georgia. MA. 6211 Deafened Pensioners And Veterans Only We have a large assortment of all makes of quality hearing aids at prices from $40 to $75. Expert co consultant in charge. Vancouver Hearing Aid Clinic 736 Granville, Room 604.

PA, 7067. EARS PIERCED FREE New Painless Method! Expert Watch Jewellery Repairs EVANS JEWELERS 55 W. Hastings TAt. 1922 Free Parking, 1 At Rear for 8 Send full your address, and $1.00 only, size rolls, delicately perfumed, pastel shades, of super-fine toilet tissue. Money-back guarantee.

Mail to Park Place, 1015 Dominion 207 W. Hastings, Vancouver 3, B.C. Mail orders only, CARPETS Downshire rubber backed carpet, $5.75 sq. yd. Reduction up to on short lengths; no underfelt or binding.

Full selection of broadlooms. Peter Shepherd Co. (Canada) 3121 Kingsway, DE. 6262. FREE Roll film with 2 orders 8-exp.

roll reprints 4c. Double size 40c, prints 5c. Enclose return postage. Post Film Service, Box 28 Vancouver Shirts Re-collared 98c Re-collared, cuffed. Gibberd Son, Shirt Makers, 519 Burrard.

PA. 3749. Have you the latest birth. control information? It's free. Imperial Imports (Western), Dept.

8, P.O. Box 227, Vancouver. CASH FOR DIAMONDS Highest prices paid. Goldbloom Sons Dom. Bank Room 701.

OVERWEIGHT? TRY MY 5-DAY DIET. $1 It really works! 828 Vancouver Blk. EARS PIERCED FREE Gurvin Jewelers MAr. 5956 710 W. Hastings opp.

Post Office S. S. BLANK LABORATORY Pregnancy, metabolism, blood urine tests. 110. 718 MA.

7048 Old Gold and Silver Highest prices paid. O. B. Allan Ltd. Alcoholics Anonymous PO.

Box 464 or phone MA. 5623. Birth Control Bureau (Est. 1930) 441 Seymour Room 11. PA.

1814 Dressmaking and custom tailoring. Mrs. Ball. 3047 E. 27th.

Cont. on Page Forty.

The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.