If you are enrolled as a student in university, HBO, or MBO, you can apply for student finance. Apply in time, preferably 8 weeks before your student finance is due to start, so you don’t miss out on any money.
Student finance consists of various components. You decide which components to apply for.
Apply for student finance
- Apply for a DigiD on digid.nl Link opent externe pagina . With a DigiD you can access online services offered by all Dutch government organisations. You will receive an activation code by letter within 3 working days of your application.
- Log in to Mijn DUO to apply for student finance.
- Apply for a personal OV-chipkaart Link opent externe pagina . You will need it to load the student travel product conto.
Log in to Mijn DUOwith DigiD
No access to Mijn DUO
If you have no access to Mijn DUO, you can use a form. The processing time of a form is longer than a digital application.
- For higher professional education (HBO) or university, use the Application student finance higher education form.
- For secondary vocational education (MBO), use the Application student finance MBO form.
Application student finance higher education/Aanvraag studiefinanciering hoger onderwijspdf, 200kb
Application student finance MBOpdf, 199kb
Applying for past months
You can still get student finance for past months, up to the start of the current academic year (1 August for MBO, 1 September for HBO or university). This is called applying retroactively. You cannot apply for a student travel product for past months.
- Log in to Mijn DUO.
- Go to 'Mijn producten' and then 'Studiefinanciering'.
- Click on 'Studiefinanciering' in the top right. Here you find a green button 'Aanvraag studiefinanciering vervroegen', meaning 'moving up your student finance'. The rest is self-explanatory.
Log in to Mijn DUOWith DigiD
Applying for student finance from the Caribbean
Do you live on Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten or in the Dutch Caribbean? Then the application procedure is a bit different.
- Apply for student finance with the form 'Application student finance for students from the Caribbean region' form (mbo or higher education). To make sure all information is legible, fill out the form digitally. Apply at least 3 months before your programme starts.
- Add all the required documents to your application. The documents are mentioned on the application form.
- You will receive an e-mail when your student finance application has been processed. This e-mail states that you'll receive a letter on your (postal) address. In this letter you'll find the amount of your study finance and when the study finance starts.
- The Civil Service for Identity Data (RvIG) sends your BSN ('burgerservicenummer') by post. You can also ask DUO for your BSN by phone. The latter is only possible when you've received the e-mail mentioned in step 3.
- With your BSN, you can apply for DigiD. DigiD is your digital login code for all government services. You need DigiD to log in to Mijn DUO. The ‘Checklist apply for and activate DigiD’ tells you how to do this.
- Inform us about your Dutch bank account number via Mijn DUO.
Applied before 1 April
Did you apply for study finance before 1 April? If so, DUO will pass your details to RvIG. As soon as RvIG has processed your data, you'll receive a letter with your BSN.
Application forms and checklist
For more information about your BSN and registration in the Netherlands, see 'Information for students from Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten and the Caribbean Netherlands for registration in the Personal Records Database' Link opent externe pagina . For other things you need to arrange for your study programme, use the 'Checklist Applying for student finance from the Caribbean'.
Application student finance for MBO students from the Caribbean regionpdf, 197kb
Application student finance higher education for students from the Caribbean regionpdf, 224kb
Checklist Applying for student finance from the Caribbeanpdf, 281kb
Checklist Apply for and activate DigiDpdf, 50kb
Waiting for exam results or admission
Still waiting for the results of your school exams? Or for a decision about your admission to a programme? Just apply for student finance for the programme you are planning to take.
Failed exams or different programme
Did you fail your school exams? Or did you decide to take a different programme after all? Please let us know as soon as possible in Mijn DUO.
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