Best Arcane Odyssey Magic Tier List (August 2024) - Try Hard Guides (2024)

Roblox Arcane Odyssey is an open world action-MMORPG game that will be releasing for the platform. In this experience, you will be embarking on an epic journey through the War Seas, taking part in the conflicts of kingdoms and organizations striving for power. Many will die, but only the strong survive in this harsh, magic-polluted world. From outcast to living legend, will people grow to fear your name, or worship it? If you want to know what the best magic is in Arcane Odyssey, we’ll tell you what you need to know in this guide.

If you want to know more about the game, be sure to head over to the Arcane Odyssey Trello. There will also likely be freebies, which we will have on our Arcane Odyssey Codes page.

Arcane Odyssey Magic Tier List

Keep in mind that from what players have been saying about the game, it seems like most Magic is viable and they are overall pretty balanced. If you like a particular Magic, you should just play it and don’t worry about the tier list. You should also note that lists like these are purely opinion based, so you might have a different experience when you play the game.


  • Lightning Magic
  • Light Magic
  • Explosion Magic
  • Plasma Magic


  • Glass Magic
  • Poison Magic
  • Ash Magic
  • Shadow Magic
  • Fire Magic
  • Magma Magic
  • Ice Magic
  • Water Magic
  • Metal Magic
  • Snow Magic


  • Sand Magic
  • Crystal Magic
  • Earth Magic
  • Wood Magic
  • Acid Magic
  • Wind Magic

If you want more detailed explanations, check out the following video:

Arcane Odyssey Best Magic By Clashing Power

The following Magics are ranked according to the number of clash advantages and disadvantages that they have:

  1. MetalMagic – 18 Advantages, 1 Disadvantage
  2. EarthMagic – 15 Advantages, 3 Disadvantages
  3. CrystalMagic – 14 Advantages, 3 Disadvantages
  4. MagmaMagic – 13 Advantages, 1 Disadvantage
  5. ExplosionMagic – 12 Advantages, 3 Disadvantages
  6. PlasmaMagic – 9 Advantages, 8 Disadvantages
  7. WoodMagic – 9 Advantages, 9 Disadvantages
  8. AcidMagic – 8 Advantages, 5 Disadvantages
  9. GlassMagic – 8 Advantages, 9 Disadvantages
  10. IceMagic – 8 Advantages, 10 Disadvantages
  11. LightningMagic – 7 Advantages, 4 Disadvantages
  12. SandMagic – 6 Advantages, 11 Disadvantages
  13. WaterMagic – 6 Advantages, 9 Disadvantages
  14. ShadowMagic – 5 Advantages, 10 Disadvantages
  15. WindMagic – 5 Advantages, 11 Disadvantages
  16. AshMagic – 4 Advantages, 13 Disadvantages
  17. SnowMagic – 4 Advantages, 13 Disadvantages
  18. FireMagic – 3 Advantages, 10 Disadvantages
  19. PoisonMagic – 2 Disadvantages, 16 Disadvantages
  20. LightMagic – 1 Advantage, 13 Disadvantages

Magic Clashing Power

Each Magic has advantages and disadvantages or is neutral against other magics in the game.


Acid attacks can be extremely potent and versatile in battle. When an acid attack hits, it expands the acid puddles on contact, potentially spreading the acid further and increasing the risk of harm to enemies. Moreover, acid attacks impart the Melting status effect, which can deal damage to enemies over time. To further increase their potency, acid attacks deal an additional 15% damage to targets that are already bleeding, and 5% more damage to targets that are corroding. In addition, acid attacks deal 10% more damage to targets that are sweating from high temperatures. In underwater combat, acid attacks are even more deadly, as they have 1.3x more area of effect when they explode under sea level.

  • 1.4x clash advantage against Fire
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Water, Sand, & Snow
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Lightning, Wood, & Poison
  • 1.05x clash advantage against Ash
  • Clashes neutrally against Ice, Magma, Light, Wind, Shadow, & Plasma
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Glass
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Crystal, & Explosion
  • 0.5x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.45x clash disadvantage against Metal


Ash magic is a formidable form of magic that can be devastating in combat. When an ash attack hits, it inflicts the Petrified status effect on its target, which prevents them from moving until they use an attack. This status effect is triggered when the attack deals more than 33% of the target’s health, making it a powerful tool against high-health enemies. Ash attacks deal an additional 10% damage to targets that are bleeding and 10% more damage to targets that are sweating from high temperatures.

  • 1.3x clash advantage against Light & Snow
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Wood & Poison
  • Clashes neutrally against Lightning & Magma
  • 0.95x clash disadvantage against Acid, Ice & Plasma
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Water & Fire
  • 0.85x clash disadvantage against Earth, Sand, & Glass
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Wind, Crystal, & Explosion
  • 0.75x clash disadvantage against Metal
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Shadow


Crystal magic is a potent form of magic that can wreak havoc on enemies in battle. This magic deals 25% more damage to targets that are already bleeding, making it a powerful tool in combat. In addition, every hit from a crystal attack inflicts the Crystallized status effect on the target. After four hits, the next hit will shatter all the crystals and deal 1.5 times the damage. This process removes all Crystallized status effects on the target and can be repeated to create even more damage.

  • 1.6x clash advantage against Wind
  • 1.5x clash advantage against Glass
  • 1.4x clash advantage against Water
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Acid
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Ash
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Fire
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Light
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Ice
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Wood
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Poison
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Shadow
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Plasma
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Sand
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Snow
  • Clashes neutrally against Lightning & Magma
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Explosion
  • 0.6x clash disadvantage against Metal


Earth Magic is a powerful ability that allows the wielder to manipulate the earth and cause devastating damage to their enemies. When using this ability, the user can inflict the Bleeding status effect on their target if the attack deals more than 30% of the target’s maximum health. This status effect causes the target to lose a portion of their health over time, making it particularly effective against high-health opponents. Additionally, Earth Magic deals 25% more damage if the target is already bleeding, amplifying its potency and making it a fearsome force on the battlefield. However, mastering this ability requires a deep understanding of the earth and its elements, as well as careful control to avoid causing unintended harm to allies or the environment.

  • 1.7x clash advantage against Wind
  • 1.6x clash advantage against Glass
  • 1.5x clash advantage against Water
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Acid, Light, Fire, & Snow
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Crystal, Ice, Sand, Shadow, Poison, & Plasma
  • 1.15x clash advantage against Wood, & Ash
  • Clashes neutrally against Explosion
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Metal
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Lightning
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Magma


Explosion Magic is a powerful form of magic that can deal devastating damage to enemies. One of its most notable effects is the Charred status effect, which can partially obscure the vision of those caught in its blast radius. This can be particularly useful in disorienting enemies and giving the caster an advantage in combat.

Explosion Magic is particularly effective against targets that are already weakened. If the target is bleeding, the magic will deal an additional 10% damage, causing even more harm to the enemy. Similarly, if the target is sweating from high temperatures, such as being in a hot environment or having just completed intense physical activity, the magic will deal an additional 15% damage, making it an especially effective choice in such situations.

  • 1.4x clash advantage against Glass
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Water, Wind, Sand, Crystal, & Snow
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Ash, Acid, Fire, Ice, Light, & Shadow
  • Clashes neutrally against Earth, Magma, Wood, & Poison
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Lightning, & Plasma
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Metal


Fire attacks is unique in several ways, making it a formidable option for those who know how to use it to their advantage. Firstly, it can remove the Bleeding status effect from its target while also dealing 10% more damage, providing a strategic advantage in battle. Secondly, it imparts the Burning status effect, which inflicts damage to the target over time. It also has the unusual property of turning into steam when it comes into contact with the sea, rendering it unusable underwater. When this attack collides with itself, it creates a flash of light, making it a visually stunning display in battle. Finally, these attacks deal an additional 5% damage to targets that are already burning and a significant 15% more damage to targets that are sweating from high temperatures.

  • 1.25x clash advantage against Wood
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Glass, Snow
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Ash
  • Clashes neutrally against Lightning, Light, Wind, Shadow, & Poison
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Acid, & Sand
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Magma, Plasma, Crystal, & Explosion
  • 0.75x clash disadvantage against Ice
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Water
  • 0.5x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.45x clash disadvantage against Metal


Glass Magic is a powerful magic that can cause the Bleeding status effect in its target. This effect causes damage over time, slowly draining the target’s health until it is cured or the effect runs its course. What makes Glass Magic particularly deadly is its synergy with the Bleeding effect – the spell deals an additional 5% damage to targets who are already bleeding. This means that once the Bleeding effect is triggered, the damage inflicted by Glass Magic becomes even more devastating.

  • 1.4x clash advantage against Shadow, & Wind
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Water
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Poison
  • 1.15x clash advantage against Ash
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Acid, Sand, & Snow
  • Clashes neutrally against Lightning, & Light
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Fire
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Plasma
  • 0.6x clash disadvantage against Ice, & Explosion
  • 0.5x clash disadvantage against Crystal, Wood, & Magma
  • 0.4x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.3x clash disadvantage against Metal


Ice magic is a formidable element that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. It has a unique set of conditions that can enhance the potency of its attacks, such as dealing 40% more damage if the target is already bleeding. This allows for quick and decisive blows against weakened enemies. Another condition is dealing 25% more damage if the target is frozen. This can be incredibly useful in immobilizing multiple foes or taking down powerful enemies. Additionally, when ice attacks explode under sea level, they have 1.5 times more area of effect (AoE), making them ideal for clearing out groups of enemies or causing damage to large structures.

  • 1.5x clash advantage against Water
  • 1.4x clash advantage against Wind, & Glass
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Snow
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Light, Sand, & Poison
  • 1.05x clash advantage against Ash
  • Clashes neutrally against Acid
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Shadow, Plasma, & Crystal
  • 0.85x clash disadvantage against Wood
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Lightning, Explosion, & Earth
  • 0.75x clash disadvantage against Fire
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Metal
  • 0.5x clash disadvantage against Magma


Light magic is a mystical element that has the power to give the Blinded status effect to its targets. This can be a powerful tool in disabling enemies, making them easier targets for other attacks or allowing for quick escapes. The Blinded effect can also be used strategically to create distractions or to buy time to heal or regroup. However, it’s important to note that light attacks have reduced effectiveness when used underwater, as they have 0.75 times less area of effect (AoE). This makes them less ideal for clearing out groups of enemies in underwater environments. Despite this limitation, light magic remains a powerful and versatile tool in any magical arsenal.

  • 1.2x clash advantage against Wind
  • Clashes neutrally against Acid, Water, Fire, Shadow, & Glass
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Ice
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Explosion, Lightning, Wood, Metal, Poison, Crystal, & Plasma
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Ash, Earth, Magma, Snow, & Sand


Lightning magic is an element that possesses immense power and versatility in combat. One of its unique abilities is the ability to remove the Bleeding status effect from its targets. This makes it an excellent choice in situations where enemies are heavily focused on causing damage over time or when a teammate needs to be quickly healed. In addition to this, lightning attacks deal 10% more damage, making them incredibly lethal against foes. When used underwater, lightning attacks also have 1.25 times more area of effect (AoE), making them an ideal choice for taking out groups of enemies or dealing damage to large structures.

  • 1.3x Clash advantage against Shadow
  • 1.3x Clash advantage against Sand
  • 1.2x Clash advantage against Ice
  • 1.2x Clash advantage against Light
  • 1.2x Clash advantage against Plasma
  • 1.1x Clash advantage against Explosion
  • 1.1x Clash advantage against Wood
  • Clashes neutrally against Ash
  • Clashes neutrally against Fire
  • Clashes neutrally against Magma
  • Clashes neutrally against Poison
  • Clashes neutrally against Glass
  • Clashes neutrally against Crystal
  • Clashes neutrally against Snow
  • Clashes neutrally against Earth
  • 0.9x Clash disadvantage against Acid
  • 0.7x Clash disadvantage against Wind
  • 0.7x Clash disadvantage against Water
  • 0.7x Clash disadvantage against Metal


Magma magic is a powerful and destructive element that can wreak havoc on enemies in battle. One of its unique abilities is the ability to expand Magma puddles on contact, creating a dangerous area that can trap and damage foes. In addition to this, Magma magic gives the Melting status effect, which causes damage over time and can quickly take down enemies. Magma magic also has the unique ability to remove the Bleeding status effect and deal 20% more damage, making it incredibly lethal against weakened foes. If the target is already melting, Magma attacks deal an additional 5% more damage, further increasing their effectiveness. And if the target is sweating from high temperatures, Magma attacks deal a devastating 20% more damage.

  • 1.5x clash advantage against Glass, Snow, Ice, & Wood
  • 1.4x clash advantage against Wind & Sand
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Light & Plasma
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Fire, Shadow, Earth, & Poison
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Metal
  • Clashes neutrally against Acid, Ash, Explosion, Lightning, & Crystal
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Water


Metal magic is a unique element that can be incredibly lethal in combat. One of its unique abilities is the ability to give the Bleeding status effect if the attack deals more than 5% of the target’s maximum health. This can be an incredibly useful tool in taking down enemies quickly, as it can cause damage over time and leave them weakened. In addition to this, Metal magic deals 5% more damage if the target is already bleeding, further increasing the potency of its attacks. This can be particularly useful in dealing with heavily armored foes or taking down large groups of enemies.

  • 1.8x clash advantage against Wind
  • 1.7x clash advantage against Glass
  • 1.55x clash advantage against Water
  • 1.4x clash advantage against Crystal
  • 1.4x clash advantage against Snow
  • 1.35x clash advantage against Fire
  • 1.35x clash advantage against Acid
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Ice
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Lightning
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Sand
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Wood
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Poison
  • 1.25x clash advantage against Shadow
  • 1.25x clash advantage against Ash
  • 1.25x clash advantage against Plasma
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Explosion
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Earth
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Light
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Magma


Plasma magic is a powerful and destructive element that can cause immense damage to enemies in battle. One of its unique abilities is the ability to remove the Bleeding status effect and deal 20% more damage, making it an incredibly lethal choice against weakened foes. Plasma magic also gives the Scorched status effect, which causes damage over time and can quickly take down enemies. However, Plasma magic turns into steam when it comes into contact with the sea, making it ineffective when used underwater. In addition to this, Plasma magic deals 5% more damage if the target is already scorched, further increasing the potency of its attacks. And if the target is sweating from high temperatures, Plasma attacks deal a devastating 20% more damage.

  • 1.4x clash advantage against Snow
  • 1.35x clash advantage against Wood
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Glass
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Fire
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Light
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Wind
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Explosion
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Poison
  • 1.05x clash advantage against Ash
  • Clashes neutrally against Acid
  • Clashes neutrally against Sand
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Ice
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Crystal
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Water
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Lightning
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Shadow
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Magma
  • 0.6x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.55x clash disadvantage against Metal


Poison magic is an element that can be incredibly effective at slowly taking down enemies in battle. One of its unique abilities is the ability to give the poisoned status effect, which causes damage over time and can slowly weaken enemies. Poison magic also deals 25% more damage if the target is already bleeding, making it an excellent choice in situations where enemies are already weakened. In addition to this, Poison magic leaves clouds of poisonous gas on contact and can grow these clouds when colliding with them. This can be an incredibly useful tool in controlling the battlefield and forcing enemies to avoid certain areas. If the target is already poisoned, Poison attacks deal an additional 5% more damage, further increasing their effectiveness.

  • 1.2x clash advantage against Light
  • Clashes neutrally against Water, Fire, Lightning, & Explosion
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Acid, Ice, Wood, Plasma, Crystal, & Ash
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Earth, Magma, Shadow, Sand, Glass, & Snow
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Wind, & Metal


Sand magic is a unique form of elemental magic that involves manipulating sand to create various spells and abilities. One of the most notable aspects of sand magic is its ability to expand sand piles on contact, making it a formidable tool for controlling and manipulating the battlefield. Sand magic spells can create sand piles at will, which can be used to trap enemies, create barriers, or even as makeshift weapons. In addition, sand magic has a status effect known as “Sandy,” which partially obscures vision, making it difficult for enemies to target their attacks. Furthermore, this magic deals 10% more damage to bleeding targets and 5% more damage to those who are sweating from high temperatures, making it a deadly weapon in the hands of a skilled mage.

  • 1.3x clash advantage against Light
  • 1.3x clash disadvantage against Shadow
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Wind
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Poison
  • 1.15x clash advantage against Ash
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Fire
  • Clashes neutrally against Plasma
  • Clashes neutrally against Snow
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Wood
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Water
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Ice
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Glass
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Crystal
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Acid
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Explosion
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Lightning
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Metal
  • 0.6x clash disadvantage against Magma


  • 1.3x clash advantage against Ash
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Wind
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Poison
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Plasma
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Ice
  • Clashes neutrally against Acid
  • Clashes neutrally against Water
  • Clashes neutrally against Fire
  • Clashes neutrally against Light
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Wood
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Crystal
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Explosion
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Magma
  • 0.75x clash disadvantage against Metal
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Sand
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Lightning
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Snow
  • 0.6x clash disadvantage against Glass


Snow magic is a powerful form of elemental magic that involves manipulating snow to create a variety of spells and abilities. One of the most notable features of this magic is its ability to expand snow piles on contact, which can be used to control the battlefield and trap enemies. Snow magic spells can create snow piles at will, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating barriers or as projectiles. In addition, snow magic has a status effect known as “Snowy,” which partially obscures vision, making it difficult for enemies to see their targets. This status effect can be used to create confusion and disorient enemies, giving the mage an advantage in battle.

  • 1.3x clash advantage against Shadow
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Light
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Poison
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Water
  • Clashes neutrally against Lightning
  • Clashes neutrally against Sand
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Glass
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Crystal
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Wood
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Acid
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Ice
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Ash
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Explosion
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Fire
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.6x clash disadvantage against Metal
  • 0.6x clash disadvantage against Plasma
  • 0.5x clash disadvantage against Wind
  • 0.5x clash disadvantage against Magma


Water attacks can be quite devastating, as they have a number of unique properties. One such property is that they expand water puddles on contact, which can be useful for manipulating the battlefield. Additionally, water attacks give the Soaked status effect to the target, which makes them more vulnerable to certain types of magic, such as lightning and ice. This can be especially dangerous for enemies, as it can open them up to further attacks. Water attacks also deal 10% more damage to targets that are already bleeding. Finally, when water attacks explode under sea level, they have 1.25x more area of effect, making them even more powerful in underwater combat.

  • 1.5x clash advantage against Fire, & Lightning
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Magma, Plasma
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Ash, & Sand
  • Clashes neutrally against Light, Wind, Shadow, & Poison
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Snow
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Acid
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Explosion, & Glass
  • 0.6x clash disadvantage against Crystal
  • 0.5x clash disadvantage against Wood, & Ice
  • 0.25x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.2x clash disadvantage against Metal


  • 1.5x clash advantage against Snow
  • 1.4x clash advantage against Sand
  • 1.3x clash advantage against Lightning, & Poison
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Ash
  • Clashes neutrally against Acid, Water, & Fire
  • 0.8x clash disadvantage against Light, & Plasma
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Explosion, Shadow
  • 0.6x clash disadvantage against Ice, Glass, & Magma
  • 0.4x clash disadvantage against Wood, & Crystal
  • 0.3x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.2x clash disadvantage against Metal


  • 1.6x clash advantage against Wind
  • 1.5x clash advantage against Glass
  • 1.25x clash advantage against Water
  • 1.2x clash advantage against Light
  • 1.15x clash advantage against Ice
  • 1.1x clash advantage against Snow, Shadow, Sand, & Poison
  • Clashes neutrally against Explosion
  • 0.9x clash disadvantage against Ash, Acid, Crystal, & Lightning
  • 0.85x clash disadvantage against Earth
  • 0.75x clash disadvantage against Fire
  • 0.5x clash disadvantage against Magma
  • 0.7x clash disadvantage against Metal
  • 0.65x clash disadvantage against Plasma

That’s everything you need to know about what the best magic is in the game! You can find more great guides in the Arcane Odyssey section of our website.

Best Arcane Odyssey Magic Tier List (August 2024) - Try Hard Guides (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.